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Application Features

About Kapsarc

User KAPSARC Transport Analysis Framework: The KAPSARC Transport Analysis Framework (KTAF), is a tool for estimating freight transport activity and measuring the impact of transport policy measures using freely available global data sources, satellite images and nighttime lights. Our methodology offers a solution to inadequate data access and allows for scenario building in policy planning for transportation. This approach allows for quick estimation of the effects of policy measures and economic changes on transportation activities at a global level. The application is available in both Arabic and English. For more detail on the methodology supporting the KTAF web application, refer to the download section of the help page.

Introducing KTAF: Revolutionizing Transport Analysis:

The KAPSARC Transport Analysis Framework (KTAF) is a groundbreaking tool designed to estimate freight transport activity and assess the impact of transport policy measures. Utilizing freely available global data sources, satellite images, and nighttime lights, KTAF offers a comprehensive solution to understanding transportation dynamics.

Methodology for Effective Policy Planning:

Our methodology addresses the challenge of inadequate data access in transportation analysis and allows for scenario building in policy planning. By leveraging global data sources and satellite imagery, KTAF enables quick estimation of the effects of policy measures and economic changes on transportation activities at a global level.

Quick and Accurate Insights

KTAF provides a platform for policymakers and analysts to gain quick and accurate insights into transportation trends and policy impacts. With our approach, users can assess the effectiveness of various policy measures and make informed decisions to optimize transportation systems.

Multilingual and Accessible

The application is available in both Arabic and English, ensuring accessibility for users worldwide. For detailed information on the methodology supporting the KTAF web application, users can refer to the download section of the help page.

Experience Our Website: A Visual Journey

// Image Slider Demo: // https://codepen.io/vone8/pen/gOajmOo